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Wanted; Hot melt equipment and parts, of all common brands*, new and used.
Besides our standard brands, of which we deliver new equipment and parts, we are always interested in buying other hot melt equipment and parts,
This can be as well as new as used hot melt units, guns and related parts, or for example a Technical Department overstock of absolete parts, in case a machine park has been renewed and the parts of the old equipment is still present. In principal you can offer us everything, even units with a defect  - though not total loss - can be of use to us.

In case you have something what might be intesting for us, send us an email.
If possible with listing of brand, type, age, condition and if present, defects.
Whenever you have lots of hot melt related equipment and parts, a stock list would be an outcome.

Are you in search yourself after certain equipment or parts?
Don't hestitate to email us, we receive on regular base equipment and parts and sometimes it can take a while before we can list them on our website.
So the chance is always present, that we have the part on stock or can deliver it on special order.    


* Like; Nordson, Slautterback, Robatech, Melton, UES, Meler, Preo etc.

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